Dehumanization Chic: Fassbender as a Robot in Prometheus

The viral marketing for Ridley Scott’s forthcoming Prometheus continues apace, today with this video advertising the new ‘David 8’ robot, as designed by the ‘Weyland Corporation’ (the company that sends out the crews in Prometheus and the Alien films) and as embodied by actor Michael Fassbender. Enjoy, or be creeped out, or both.

We all know a few people like this, yes? A lot of them work at Williams-Sonoma, for some reason.

Posted on April 17th, 2012 at 3:18pm.

2 thoughts on “Dehumanization Chic: Fassbender as a Robot in Prometheus

  1. Unlike the trailers for other summer releases…Prometheus keeps raising it’s game with each new release.

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