Kevin Smith’s Red State Poster

By Jason Apuzzo. Kevin Smith, movie maestro of white trash, has just put out this teaser poster for his new horror thriller about homophobic Christians, Red State.

He’s apparently hoping to debut the movie at Sundance.

I think the poster more or less speaks for itself.

[UPDATE: Smith is apparently intending to score the film with speed metal and country music. Perfect. What we have here, apparently, are the makings of a white-trash version of Machete – i.e., a hyper-political exploitation thriller being used to revive the career of a director whose career is gradually hitting the skids.

I doubt this strategy will work any better than it did for Robert Rodriguez, though.]

Posted on November 1st, 2010 at 9:35am.

Published by

Jason Apuzzo

Jason Apuzzo is co-Editor of Libertas Film Magazine.

11 thoughts on “Kevin Smith’s Red State Poster”

  1. I’ve been trying to get in touch with Kevin Smith about this film for months now. I’m trying to ask him if he would be willing to put his money towards something beneficial to mankind instead of wasting it on box office leprosy. So far, no response. Hopefully, he found a studio lot to film this, so he didn’t have to deal with all those icky common folks in flyover country.

    But on a serious note, as long as this took to get made, it’s going to be really interesting to finally see it, you know, in a train wreck kind of way. There were a few of us right wingers who thought he was pretty good and not like the typical Hollywood lefty with an ax to grind. Why be so eager to remove that sheen?

    1. I actually think that political cinema in America is dead right now – to the extent it was ever alive to begin with. So I expect this film to tank. It’s just amazing to see someone who’s been so coddled resort to this sort of thing.

  2. How boring …

    Your movement is at an end, Kevin — and it was fool’s gold to begin with, dude.

    1. I’m assuming he’s doing this (releasing the poster) to capitalize on the election. It’s really pitiful.

  3. I agree that overt left-wing political cinema like this is dead. And contrary to what Smith might believe, young people of the current generation do not have the hate towards Christians and Catholics that Smith does. It very much is a Gen X, children of the tail end of the 60’s thing.

    But yes, there is no more bigger a hater of Catholics then a self loathing ex-Catholic like Smith. Nasty, nasty people.

    1. I think you’re right, Nicol – I don’t think young people today share that antipathy toward Catholics nearly as much. The farther away we get from the 60s, the more that sort of thing is subsiding.

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