Hollywood Round-up, 6/17

Wants to go dark.

By Jason Apuzzo. • Steven Spielberg’s War Horse now has its star: Jeremy Irvine. This film is looking like Empire of the Sun redux for Spielberg, and will probably a major tear-jerker.  Bread-and-butter material for him, although World War I traditionally a tough sell at the box office.  My personal World War I favorite?  Easily The Blue Max with George Peppard, James Mason and the luscious Ursula Andress.

In other horse news, the Saudis have banned a documentary on Arabian horses, because the film features female horse riders. We should airdrop 2,000 DVDs of Raquel Welch’s Bandolero! on them.

Miley Cyrus is turning 18 … and immediately going ‘dark’ for her next film, Paramount’s adaption of the teen novel/paranormal thriller Wake. Miley’s about three years from becoming Lindsay Lohan, although probably still a good five years from going the full Britney.  On a related note, can we all agree now that Perez Hilton’s career is over?

George Lucas will be doing an hour long interview with Jon Stewart in Orlando in August at Star Wars Celebration V. The last interview these guys did together was fun.  It was also, weirdly, the only interview I noticed George do for his new book, Blockbusting, which looks like an interesting read.  Hoping we hear more in this interview about the retrofitting of the Star Wars films into 3D …

• … and speaking of 3D, there’s an interesting interview today with Ridley Scott about his use of 3D in the forthcoming Alien prequel(s).  There’s also some interesting speculation in the UK’s Guardian about what the storyline for the first prequel might be.  People shouldn’t forget casting here, as well.  The original Alien films benefitted greatly from the tremendous casts gathered by Scott and also James Cameron.  My personal hope is that Scott casts Brits or Aussies.  [Paul Bettany?]  Then I’ll believe this might work.

In other news, Michael Winterbottom is taking heat for his misogynistic thriller, The Killer Inside Me. This guy is such a train wreck.  As penance, he should be forced to direct prequels to every film Madonna’s ever made.

"Um ... I can't breathe."

The Logan’s Run screenplay is apparently being written by 28 Days Later’s Alex Garland, who took pot shots at the British military in Danny Boyle’s zombie pic.  Will BP be the villain in this remake?

Angelina Jolie has recorded this video on behalf of World Refugee Day, which is appropriate given that she’s already adopted 27% of the world’s refugees.

30 years after its release, the Vatican has endorsed The Blues Brothers, calling the John Belushi-Dan Aykroyd film a “Catholic classic.” That’s fine, but I think the Vatican should really break its decades-long silence on Trading Places.

Sir Elton John is explaining why he agreed to play at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding. It’s not hard to explain!  For their age range, those guys have the two best voices on radio.  In other wedding news: Harrison Ford and Callista Flockhart finally got married, and Megan Fox got engaged … then promptly lost her ring.

• AND IN TODAY’S MOST IMPORTANT NEWS … Diane Kruger (Inglorious Bastards) reveals today that she almost suffocated wearing this Karl Lagerfeld dress at a recent Venice Film Festival. Fashion hurts.

And that’s what’s happening today in the wonderful world of Hollywood …

Posted on June 17th, 2010 at 6:56pm.

24′s Joel Surnow on The Controversy over The Kennedys

"24" Producer Joel Surnow.

By Jason Apuzzo. The LA Times is featuring an interview today with Joel Surnow, creator of TV’s 24 series.  Joel kindly invited Govindini and I to the 24 set a few years back, and at the Fall 2006 Liberty Film Festival we premiered scenes from the pilot of Joel’s comedy show The Half Hour News Hour, a series that later ran on Fox News.  The jokey scenes from the pilot featuring Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter got an especially rapturous response, as I recall.

In the interview Joel discusses his forthcoming miniseries The Kennedys that will be showing on The History Channel.  That series has already been the source of some controversy, as radical left wing documentarian Robert Greenwald (Outfoxed) and his allies in the media have been trying to portray Joel’s series as a hit job against the Kennedy family.  Joel throws a bucket of cold water today on Greenwald’s paranoid speculations, reminding people that the writer of the Kennedys series, Steve Kronish, is actually a liberal Democrat.  Here’s Joel on the controversy surrounding the series:

I think part of it [the controversy] was driven by the fact that it’s going to debut around the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s inauguration. For those looking to sustain the Camelot image, they’re worried. But they don’t need to be.

In the interview Joel also talks about setting up his own production entity for the series, and the overall benefits of working independently.  We want to wish Joel the best for The Kennedys.  Joel’s been responsible for a lot of great TV projects before, whether on 24 on Le Femme Nikita – and we’re sure this one will be colorful, as well.  One thing is for certain: whatever one thinks of the Kennedy family, they were an important part of American history in the 20th century – and they’ve certainly never been dull …

Posted on June 17th, 2010 at 12:57pm.

‘Punk’ing North Korea: LFM Reviews LA Film Fest’s The Red Chapel

[Editor’s Note: LFM will be covering a series of provocative films debuting this week and next at The Los Angeles Film Festival.]

By Joe Bendel. What a disclaimer.  Danish director Mads Brügger explains all the footage the audience is about to watch had been thoroughly vetted by North Korean state censors.  Yet his suspicion that the post-modern irony he would unleash on the world’s most isolated country would be lost on the Communist authorities proved largely correct.  The gutsiest act of cinematic provocation perhaps ever, Mads Brügger’s The Red Chapel (trailer below) is a genuine highlight of this year’s Los Angeles Film Festival.

Ostensively, Brügger came to North Korea with two Danish Korean comedians, Simon Jul Jørgensen and Jacob Nossell, to stage a good will show.  However, his real intent was to expose the unrelentingly oppressive nature of the DPRK system.  Though submission to state censorship was a given right from the start, Brügger thought he had an ace in the hole: Nossell.

A self-described “spastic” (Nossell’s words, not mine), the subversive director knew Nossell would make the North Koreans uneasy, since those born with disabilities simply do not survive in their socialist paradise.  Brügger also hoped Nossell would be able to speak freely on film, because none of the censors would understand his “spastic Danish” (Brügger’s words, not mine).

Mads Brügger and Jacob Nossell 'punk' their North Korean minders.

As soon as the Danes arrived in the North, their minder, Mrs. Pak, fastened herself to them like glue.  Her response to Nossell was particularly bizarre, almost smothering him with attention.  However, even Mrs. Pak could not fake an enthusiastic response to the program the comedians had prepared.  Featuring skits in drag and an unclassifiable rendition of Oasis’s “Wonderwall,” it was not just bad, it was awe-inspiringly awful.  It is hard to say which is funnier, their variety show on crack, or the stone-face reactions of their hosts.  However, seeing the propaganda potential of the show, the North Korean authorities set about adapting it to their ideological purposes, making it “more Korean.”  So much for cultural exchange.

While Chapel is at times a riotous exercise in comedic performance art, the overall film is as serious as a heart attack.  The pathological nature of DPRK society weighed particularly heavily on Nossell, causing frequent rifts between him and the director.  It all comes to a head when Nossell very publicly refuses to participate in one of the regime’s big, scary anti-American mass demonstrations.  It is a scene fraught with its own irony, as Brügger – the rebellious gadfly – tries to cajole his countrymen into professing support for what he calls the regime’s “mother lie,” the Communist myth that American aggression precipitated the Korean War.

Though he makes a noble effort, Brügger fails to capture the smoking gun scene that would utterly lay bare the nature of North Korean tyranny. Of course, he was doomed from the start, because the Communists set all the rules and could change them at their convenience.  Still, there are plenty of telling moments (particularly the climactic demonstration), as well as some outrageous humor.

Chapel has been compared to The Yes Men, but that does not do Brügger justice.  Unlike the play-it-safe leftist pranksters, Brügger was punking a target that exercises absolute, unchecked power – on its own turf.  Based on the DPRK’s apoplectic response to the film, it is doubtful Brügger will ever return to make a sequel.  He probably will not miss the place.  Beyond surreal, Chapel simply has to be seen to be believed.  Enthusiastically recommended, it screens Saturday (6/19) and Thursday (6/24) during the 2010 LAFF.

Posted on June 17th, 2010 at 10:31am.

New Trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Here is the new trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which is the third film in Walden Media’s Narnia series.  The film will reach theaters Dec. 10th, 2010.  We hope you enjoy the trailer.

Posted on June 17th, 2010 at 12: 19am.